Massage can be a very relaxing and often a very sensual experience. Have you ever felt that you were seduced into doing something you would not have ordinarily done, while receiving a massage?
When this question was posted to an on-line male massage site 32% of respondents replied that yes, they had done something they would not have ordinarily done as a result of receiving a massage.
This same group was also asked:
Was massage your first sensual experience with another man? 27% answered that: Yes, their first sensual experience with another man was a result of massage.
While asking an on-line group for men with interests in massage questions like these is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, I was still surprised at the results. Less than half of this group label themselves as gay, the rest are mostly bi with a handful of straight and those who refused to be labeled.
Apparently, while receiving a massage, many men let down their defenses and can be rubbed into total submission. On some level I can relate to that, there was an experience I had where I was a client of a handsome very athletic masseur. Shortly after the massage started, the masseur offered to work in the nude for an extra $20. It was the first time that I had ever heard of someone charging extra for this, but he was cute, I was relaxed and his initial cost was pretty low, so I said OK. He was hung like a horse. So the massage continued in a quite a sensual manner (very low therapeutic skills, but once in a while, that is ok) and he is lying on my back with this huge sausage rubbing over my butt cheeks. He whispers into my ear “do you want it?”
Now I have mentioned before in this column that I am a total top, but in that moment, I was seriously ready to give bottoming the old college try to see if I could handle that monster. So I said “yeah, but it’s got to be safe, do you have condoms?”
He responds “Just kidding, I don’t do that with clients.” Talk about a tease! It could have been worse; he could have said “that will cost you an extra $100.” So in this case scenario, I was willing to try to take a monster penis that I would be hurting from for a week because I had been lulled there by a sensual massage.
So the next obvious thought is whether I have taken advantage of any men on my table? I guess that would depend on the point of view. I would of course say no. I have done nothing to a man on my table that he didn’t want me to do. Right? I only do what I think they want; the sessions are not about me, but about them. On the other hand, I am sure that straight guy whose prostate I rubbed for the first time ever may have another view. If ever I have gone too far, I hope my clients will forgive me. I know that most have, because they come back for more.
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