I have met several people in the course of my life who would definitely not approve of what I and others like me do. They see no merit in it and worse, see us as harbingers of evil, destroying people's lives by seducing them into doing things that lead them down a path of self destruction (I was actually told this).
"Legit" masseurs don't like us since we give the profession a bad name and fill men's head with incorrect expectations every time they go for a massage. I would like to point out the idea of "legit" massage is extremely new and they actually infringed on our turf. Massage is still not regulated in half the country, though massage schools are fighting this so they can have more students. Massage, as opposed to other forms of paid human interaction, pays attention to every inch of the body and relaxes the muscles and the person and the soul. The focus of massage is unique in that there is a giver and receiver, nothing is expected of the receiver except relaxation.
Earlier this month, I saw a guy who had been referred to me from one of my most regular clients. We chatted briefly about what he wanted. He is a very good looking early 50's gentleman who has some stress and he came to me because I also do sensual work. OK, no prob, he had named who had recommended him, so I trust him. I give him a very good and thorough massage including a sensual release. He has a difficult time maintaining an erection but we manage. He orgasms but does not ejaculate, so I realize then that he must have had his prostate removed.
Afterwards he tells me it had only been about two months since his prostate had been removed and I was the first person to give him an orgasm since. He has been afraid to have sex with his own partner, he know that it will not be the same. He even showed me a pic of his erection from before the surgery. I talk to him about various means and tools to helping to maintain an erection without a prostate and tell him that he is still very capable of sex and pleasing his partner (and vice-versa) and that his partner loves him and wants to stay connected, however it works.
A tennis player who sees me on a regular basis comes to me for human interaction. He wants to find a full time partner but doesn't want to do the bed hopping routine. He sees me as a way relieving the need for male to male contact so he can date with a clear head and not because he he just needs sex. Plus he knows when we are together, safety is foremost in both our minds, there is no exchange of fluids.
An opera singer sees me because he does not have the time to date while he pursues his career.
A botanist sees me because he lost his partner of 20 some years and does not want another at this stage of life.
A grief counselor sees me for 90 minutes of focus on him and him alone.
A married man sees me to relieve his desires for other men and preserve his marriage to the woman he loves.
A cowboy sees me as he questions his own sexuality.
A former Marine sees me because I am discreet and he still works for the government.
A psychologist sees me as a perfectly normal way to express his desires for men and to practice receiving pleasure.
A man coming out in his late 40's comes to me to learn what feels good and what doesn't; so he can learn to please other men.
Many gay men see me because they want a massage with sensual elements because it makes them feel better to be touched all over, not just where "State Approved."
Many straight men come to me to talk and ask questions that they are afraid to ask anyone else.
There are many more stories.
I am seen as a safe place to ask questions, to receive pleasure, to experiment, to relax, to feel, to escape, to cry, to laugh, to orgasm or not, to commune with another male, to not be ashamed and to simply be yourself.
I believe there is a very real need for these services. Whether they are allowed by the state or not.
I agree that bodyworkers like you are needed. I don't think the "legit" therapists need to worry because I feel that there is a good market for those who want a massage without release. A massage doesn't always induce arousal - sport massages or deep tissue. The legit bodyworkers can have them. I'm curious: do you ever have clients who only want "legit" massages even though they know that you would provide a release? There may be a good argument that bodyworkers like you do not fill men's heads with the notion that equates massage with release.
Yes, I do have clients who request just a legit massage even though they know I offer more. Some clients change what they want from visit to visit. When I go get a massage I may want different things from time to time, depending on what is going on in my life. I often just want a legit massage, occasionally I want a release. I am always honest with my masseur from the beginning about what I am looking for.
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