This week I was reminded again about what kind or hole we fill in this world.
One of my favorite clients, who has come to see me for several years, came to see me this week. I was happy to hear from him, it had been a few months since I had last seen him. I knew the economy had cost him his job over a year ago and he had not found anything permanent to replace it yet. I still stick by my policy of no discounts even in hard times (you don’t have to tip me) but once discounts start happening, there is no turning back.
Anyway, back to the client. “Don” is a very giving person, one of the nicest guys I have ever met. His former job was fundraising for a non-profit for people with AIDS. He would ride every year in a national AIDS bike ride fundraiser. In addition he volunteers as a director at local community theaters and had been taking artistic photographs for fun. He has a partner whom I have never met, but to whom he is devoted. I know what you are thinking, how devoted is he if he is seeing an erotic masseur, well, extremely. He and his partner have different sex drives and Don would rather pay a little cash to get what he is missing at home than to look for someone else, he loves his partner.
Don is a very sensual man, his nipples are very sensitive and he has a need to give pleasure as well as receive it. I was amazed that one of the first times he saw me that he came without either of us touching his cock simply by him sucking mine and my playing with his nips. Over the years, he would usually see me once a month and most of the time it was always both a delight and hot. He is not what you may consider the hottest looking man. He is mid 50’s, rather large belly, but still very toned legs and arms, rather hairless, average cock and a very round soft ass. He radiates good energy and happy sensuality.
Since he lost his job, I have only seen Don a handful of times, when he has sold some photos or other flexible spending money that month. So I was very happy to hear from him and glad I had free time in my schedule to fit him last minute. When I greeted him at the door he had the same big smile on his face that I have always loved seeing, I noticed that he had shaved his head, it becomes him.
In the comfort of my apartment, as he starts getting undressed, I ask him how he is and how he has been doing. He answers “Not so well.” He then proceeds to tell me that he was diagnosed some months ago with lung cancer and is currently in the recuperation phase of treatment, basically recovering from the last round of chemo before beginning another phase. The lung cancer was fairly progressed before it was caught. He went into some detail on how horrible the treatment is, the illness that accompanies it, the stress it puts on his relationship, the fears that can accompany all of this and of course the financial strain. I express my sympathy and asked if the doctors had an idea what caused this, he responded that even though he had quit smoking over 20 years ago that he was a heavy smoker for 20 years before that. I can’t help but say aloud how much that sucks. I give him a hug and tell him to climb up on the table and see if we can’t help him forget his problems.
He is as I said a long time client and I have always worked nude with him, so I disrobe and start to work. His shoulders and back have always been tense and seem doubly so today. I put my weight behind my kneading and work the knots. I drape his arm over my knee as I work his neck and shoulder, his caresses my calf gently. I work for about 30 minutes just on his back and then move down and work from his feet back up. He often sighs contently and moans when I get to his butt. His sexual appetite seems very good. I work his glutes and then massage the perineum and the external anus. Slowly I introduce my thumb into his ass. He responds most favorably. I do a feather light stroke on his back and legs while massaging his prostate, he massages my cock with his hand. I eventually climb onto the table and lay my naked body on his. My cock is hard. It slides between his bubble shaped cheeks and teases his hole. He arches his back and moans loudly. I slide my cock back and forth over the opening, his anus flexing and trying to grab my cock. My cock is bare since this is not about penetration, however, the tip does slip in for a brief moment when he suddenly bucks up onto my cock. I withdraw quickly and am more careful.
I hop off the table and towel him down followed by a light feathery touch of his entire body from the head down to the toes. I grab a bottle of water and ask him to turn over and give him the water to refresh himself before we continue.
I work on his chest, standing above his head, my bare cock rubbing on his shaved head. Each moment my hands touch his nipples he gasps and spasms. My cocks slides up along the side of his head and he nuzzles it.
I move to his left side and work his big round belly, my hands moving in circles, sliding down into the pubic region, his cock is hard and dripping. I give his cock and quick stoke and tease his balls briefly before moving to his right side and repeating the movements. He once again takes hold of my cock and strokes it lightly, using his finger tips. Having been a long time client, he knows that this is about him and not me, but his need to give pleasure will be recognized. I tease his ass and balls again, avoiding the shaft, he is very excited and I don’t want him to come to quickly. I play with his nipples and he again gasps and spasms. I tickle his balls, causing his cock to throb. I slip a finger into his ass and stroke his prostate, his hips undulating. His hand is working my cock harder, I am focusing my attention on him, if I don’t, I might cum. I lick one of his nipples, then the other, and then a brief little nibble on each one, something that I wouldn’t do with any of my other clients, but Don is an exception, a friend and client who is in need. He writhing and makes a request, one that I often hear and continually deny: he wants to see me cum.
In my mind, I know that I should not, it creates a change in the dynamic, a change in the relationship, a change in the expectations, on the other hand I want to make him feel better, I want to help him forget the past few months. I climb on table between his legs and stroke our cocks together briefly. I know that if I do it too long, he will cum way too soon. I then focus on my dick. With one hand I play with his nipples and the other is on my cock, stroking away. He plays with my balls and is focused on my dick, encouraging me. I erupt in volley of sprays all over his belly and chest. He grabs his own dick and joins me shooting before I have I finished. His belly and chest are covered in the mixture of our cum. I lean down and kiss his cheek and he hugs me, covering my body with our juices as well.
I climb off the table and grab a towel to clean us both off. I continue the massage with stretching, legs, arms and facial/scalp massage. I then used the usual feather touch to remove any remaining bad energy out through the finger tips and toes. I then re-connect the chakras and give the blessing. He tells me afterward that as I was removing the bad energy, he envisioned the cancer cells leaving his body. As he leaves, I wish him the best and hope that I will see him again soon.
These are the cases and the days when I know deep in my soul that what I do is valid and good. I know that most of today’s society would not understand or approve. I know that I will always be judged. I know that I will never become rich off of this work. I know that it can prevent me from certain job possibilities in the future. It is still a good and giving thing that I do and I hope someday, the world will understand.
A beautiful story - sensuality and sexuality are important for the body and soul. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the feedback Stager, it means a lot. By the way, I checked out your blog, you should continue your work...
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