I love your blog. I written positive comments and you’ve responded. I think I told you about traveling to India last fall and getting 18 massages.
I absolutely love getting massages, and I always leave a good tip (25%). Right now I’m seeing a guy once a week for 90 minute massages. Sometimes he will spend as much as 10 to 30 minutes talking to me before the massage begins, depending on his schedule. Usually very little talking during the massage, but some days are different. Over time, several months now, he has been really opening up to me and vice versa so we are getting to know one another. I like him. We are both gay, he’s 42 and I am 59 (I’m an avid yoga practitioner so I’m trim and in pretty good shape). Lately he’s been bringing up the topic of sex in a variety of ways—he’s told me he has good sex with his partner, he’s HIV positive, he once had an intense infatuation with a guy we both know, etc......last visit he told me that he usually got very aroused when he was receiving a massage, although not so much when giving one as that was work. We never use any draping and honestly I’ve never gotten aroused with him. I have no fear of that, but his massages are so deep and powerful that I go into the zone, really deep state, plus he doesn’t go for the erotic zones.
I’m really beginning to get the impression that he’s telling me in a very round about way that if I want to get aroused during sessions that is okay. BUT, for me to get aroused, I need the massage to be slightly erotic, little brushes of the hand against erogenous zones. Any feedback? This guy is quite professional and has never said anything about sensual or erotic massage, but now that I’m a trusted, repeat client, and with his remarks about how he gets aroused when he is on the receiving end, make me wonder if he’s not opening up the door a bit. Should I come right out and ask him if he does erotic massage? I don’t want to do any “damage” to our relationship, which is very good, and up to now, not sexual. I have lately been leaking pre-cum and I know that he doesn’t miss a thing, he’s keenly observant.
Thanks. Keep blogging.
Honestly, from what you have said, I agree with you. He is opening the door to something else. If you are comfortable talking with him, I would ask him verbally if he ever does erotic massage or if it something that he would consider. If he says no, you just "OK, I was just curious, love your work, keep doing what you've been doing." If he says yes, then the ball is in your court and you can decide whether or not you want one.
Gay male masseurs get asked this question often. For most, the stock answer they give is no. However, there are a great many who normally say no but for a long time attractive client will bend their rules. I suspect that this is the case here. If you have seen him that often and are have good talks, feel free to ask away.
- Jack
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