Friday, November 29, 2013


Occasionally I get someone famous on my table, sometimes I recognize them easily, other times I don't. People can be famous for a lot of different things, though most people will immediately assume I mean someone on television or in the movies. While that has happened, it is not the norm. I have had famous authors whose names may be easily recognizable but their faces are not. I have had famous lawyers, activists, artists, politicians, actors, CEOs and even porn stars. They all have one thing in common, they want a good massage.
I have found that dealing with famous people, the best thing is to just ignore that they are famous. I would never bring it up to a client that I recognize them as a celebrity.  This is usually appreciated, especially in an intimate setting. Often times they have given me a fake name so I am buying into something they have set up. There has only been one occasion when I was asked "Don't you recognize me?" I replied with "No, should I?" They told me who they were and I said "That's nice. Now back to the session, is everything ok?"
There are times when a celebrity doesn't want to be a celebrity. When an actor can just be themselves and not the persona that has been created, or a politician can just be a guy enjoying a massage, or a porn star is not expected to perform for someone else. Guys on my table can spend 90 mins not acting like they think people expect them to and just relax.
But what goes through my head? Well, most of the time I spend a few minutes wondering "Is that really so an so?" and then I can focus on the job again. A few times I have been distracted with the idea of power over this powerful person. I have a lot of control in that sacred space. I can massage gently or vigorously, light or deep, I can allow or not mutual touch, I can be clothed or naked, I can give a legit or sensual massage, I can go farther if I want or not. All this is dependent on what the client wants, but once their intentions are known, everything else is my choice.
I think I have talked before about perhaps doing a much deeper tissue massage than what the client needs when hearing a client spout on about conservative politics. Have not done that often, but I have done it. Not proud of it, but I will be honest about it. There was also the time I was asked to fist one of the biggest CEO's in the country, a bit of a power trip there. And yes, there is a very special feeling when a porn star, who could have any guy he wants, asks if he can suck your dick. And you let him. And he pays you.
There are times, though not often, that I am giving a celeb a massage that is perfectly legit, but my mind is constantly saying "I could so fuck this guy, man what a great story that would make!" I of course would not actually tell anyone if I did, much less even say that they were on my table. I usually have to remind myself to just give the massage and focus on that, otherwise my work will be terrible and they will never come back.
Sorry, no lurid tales here of specific acts or body parts. Some powerful guys have huge dicks, some do not. Some want to be in control, some do not. Some are tops, some are bottoms. They just want a good massage, some with release, some without.
- Jack