Saturday, December 13, 2008


I deal mostly with men who are in relationships. I am not sure why that is, but it's true. Oh, don't get me wrong, I have a number of single clients who see me on a semi regular basis, but the bulk of my clientle are in relationships, gay or straight.
I think what amazes me even more is that they tell me. I don't mind hearing it, but I am not sure why they feel the need. I understand someone who has seen me on several occassions, but even a lot of first timers will tell me about their wife and children or what their partner does just before or after a sensual session. Does it make them feel better to be honest with me? Is it cathartic? Do they just need someone to talk to? Please understand that only a few tell me about problems in their relationships, most tell me the mundane things about vacations, jobs, in-laws and the such.
I guess that it wouldn't be so odd if there wasn't also the opposite group of guys. Those who will say fewer than 10 words, use a fake name and only call me from pay phones and park their cars on another street. These extreme opposites amuse me, though I actually understand the paronia more than the free font of information. If someone sees their time with me as something that they shouldn't be doing or as cheating on their spouse, then they are bound to take a few extra precautions, or if they are very deep in the closet and a member of some conservative political or religeous party (I do have clients like that, and I know because they told me, so maybe that shoots a hole in that theory).
Now it is true that there are those clients who think of our time together and a normal paid transaction, an exchange of services and monies. These people usually feel no guilt and would never consider what we are doing as a form of cheating since their is no emotional attachment. I am simply a very expensive sex toy that makes them fell good all over.
What brought this all to mind is that a recent client contacted me using his professional email address that had his name as the address. He is a semi-famous professor and author with a lovely wife and a couple of children and he contacted me asking specifically for a sensual massage. Now, a lesser type of person may have used this information for a possible extra gain. Thank god I am not that type of person.
Now, that being said, obviously such things enter my mind. To me, it is a funny passing thought. To others, it may not be. I hate to say that there are dishonest people in my business, but there are. In these tough economic times, I would be a little extra careful about how much and what kind of personal information you share with your bodyworker. A lack of money can make the kindest, sweetest, most honest person go a little crazy and do things that they would normally never do. Just be careful out there.

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