Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Do I like my work?

It has been brought to my attention that I do not always sound like a person who is happy with the decisions in his life. Perhaps I do too much bitching in this column. It is not my intention, it is just that like all bloggers, I tend to use my blog to vent at times.

In truth, I am quite happy with my life.

I love my partner and he loves me and we really are one of the happiest couples I know.

I like my work most of the time. I could always use more money, who couldn’t? I don’t miss the rat race of the corporate world at all. I don’t miss commuting for an hour each way to work for 9+ hours but only getting paid for 8. I don’t miss having to travel to boring cities whenever my boss told me to, stuck in a hotel with very little to do but more work. I don’t miss the most of the people I worked with. I don’t miss the suit and tie. I don’t miss the artificial sense of panic instilled by what were really the most mundane issues. I don’t miss the juvenile clicks that would develop and the concern of whether you were “in” or not. I don’t miss “trying to look busy” when there was nothing to do and the dread of suddenly being swamped by deadlines. I don’t miss gossip.

What do I miss? I miss the steady pay check, camaraderie, benefits, and paid vacations.

What do I like about my job? I meet a lot of interesting men. I often get to work naked. No commute. I often get to work with an erection. I get to make men feel great inside and out. I do believe that what I do is an important service, whether it is giving a man his first longed for man on man experience or to help them forget that they have aged, or have gained a few pounds. I believe that I help these guys get through another week on this earth by letting them be the center of attention for an hour or 90 minutes. Relaxing their sore muscles and teaching them about stretches so that they can move a little more freely and easily. Give them a space where they are not judged. I like helping people. I like providing a sympathetic ear. Once is a great while, I even get to rub some amazingly attractive naked men.

The question then becomes “where do I go from here?” I do not have a definite answer for that yet. I do believe that I would like to own a gay Bed and Breakfast. I need to save up some money first. I may have to go back to the corporate world for a while to do that, or maybe the money will just fall into my lap. It could happen. Find a place with a couple of acres, with maybe a hall that could be rented for gay weddings and the like. Maybe it could have some space for naked yoga classes and rehearsal space for an acting group, maybe even a small theatre. Find a location in the country where they wouldn’t care about a clothing optional B and B. I could still do bodywork part time. It’s all worth working towards. Any suggestions?

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