Thursday, November 29, 2007

One of the most prevalent problems I see in men today:

As a bodyworker, I have seen a lot of men and seen a lot of things one does just not want to see. One of the most common problems is bad feet. I will often say something. Surprisingly, many men so not seem to be aware that having dry, cracked, fungal infected feet is not normal or that something can be done about it. There is no shame in it, so why not do something about it?

Here are some suggestions from - Jack

Athletes Foot and Fungus Problems

Athlete's foot typically affects the skin on the feet between the toes, but can move anywhere on the foot and can affect the toenails.
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the skin and the nails, usually found on the skin between the toes. When the infection spreads to the toenails, they become thick and distorted.
Fungi are plant organisms (tinea pedis) such as mold and mildew and grow best in conditions that are moist. Bacteria may thrive as a secondary infection, which worsens the symptoms of the disorder and makes it more difficult to cure. A fungal infection is one of the most difficult nail and foot conditions to treat.
It is common to catch athlete's foot from other people who have it by walking on floors that are moist or wet (e.g. at swimming pools and in shared bathroom facilities). Athlete's foot is also much more common in people who tend to have moist feet. Athlete's foot can also be spread by sharing other people's shoes or personal care items such as towels and wash cloths.
Athlete's foot and fungus may also spread to other parts of the body, notably the groin and underarms, by those who scratch their and then touch themselves elsewhere.

Symptoms include:

  • On the skin:
    • Reddened, cracked, and peeling skin
    • Some bleeding
    • Itching
    • Burning
    • Stinging sensation
    • Development of small blisters (Blisters often lead to cracking of the skin. When blisters break, small raw areas of tissue are exposed, causing pain and swelling. Itching and burning may increase as the infection spreads. In severe cases the skin may thicken, like a callus, and begin to scale.)
  • On the toe nail:
    • Change in color (yellow or brown)
    • Nail gets thicker
    • Bad odor
    • Debris collects beneath the nail
    • White marks on the nail


Self-care treatments:

Bathe your feet at least once a day with soap and warm water. Dry thoroughly after bathing and keep your feet dry. Change socks frequently and buy socks that absorb moisture, such as cotton and wool. Expose your feet to the air for short periods of time throughout the day (do not walk barefoot, however). Wear sandals with open toes whenever possible.
There are a variety of over-the-counter products that can be used to treat the tinea pedis fungus, such as:

After a period of time, if products used for athlete's foot and fungus fail, prescription topical or oral antifungal drugs, such as Sporonax or Lamisil, can be prescribed by your Podiatrist.


  • Wear sandals or shoes when walking on moist or wet floors
  • Don't share shoes or personal care items such as towels
  • Wear socks made of absorbent materials such as cotton or wool
  • Change socks frequently if you perspire heavily
  • Choose footwear that allows for the circulation of air
  • Keep the floors in shared facilities clean and dry
  • Keep your feet clean and dry by dusting Bromi-Talc Foot Powder in shoes and hose and feet
  • Clean athletic shoes frequently with a product such as Athletic Shoe Cleaner

Fungal Nails

Fungal infection of toenails, called Onychomycosis, is a common foot health problem that many people do not recognize. Fungi are simple parasitic plant organisms, such as molds and mildew, that do not require sunlight for growth. They easily attack the nail, thriving off keratin, the nail's protein substance.
Onychomycosis is an infection underneath the nail that can also penetrate the nail. If it is ignored, it could impair one's ability to work or even walk because it is frequently accompanied by thickening of the nails, which then cannot be easily trimmed, and may cause pain while wearing shoes. This disease can frequently be accompanied by a secondary bacterial and/or yeast infection in/or about the nail plate.


  • Change in color (yellow or brown)
  • Nail gets thicker
  • Bad odor
  • Debris collects beneath the nail
  • White marks on the nail
  • This infection is capable of spreading to other toenails, the skin or even the fingernails.

Toenails are especially vulnerable around damp areas where people are likely to be walking barefoot - swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers. Injury to the nail bed may make it more susceptible to all types of infection, including fungal infection. Those who suffer chronic diseases, such as diabetes, circulatory problems, or immune-deficiency conditions, are especially prone to fungal nails.
There are a variety of products that can be used on the foot and toe nails that kill the tinea pedis fungus, such as:


Clean, dry feet resist disease. Wash the feet with soap and water, and dry thoroughly. Shower shoes should be worn in public areas. Shoes, socks and hosiery should be changed daily. Use a quality foot powder, talcum not cornstarch. Buy shoes that fit well and are made of materials that breathe.

Seeing your Podiatrist

Your Podiatrist can detect a fungal infection early. A suitable treatment plan may include prescribing topical or oral medication (such a Lamisil or Sporonax), and debridgement (removal of diseased nail matter and debris) of an infected nail. Debridgment is one of the most common foot care procedures performed by DPMs. In some cases, surgical treatment may be required. Temporary removal of the infected nail can be performed to permit direct application of a topical antifungal. Permanent removal of a chronically painful nail, which has not responded to any other treatment, permits the fungal infection to be cured and prevents the return of a deformed nail.

Dry Cracked Heels

Dry cracking heels (xeorosis) is a condition of thickening and fissuring (cracking of the bottom part of the heels). In most people this is a nuisance and a cosmetic problem. But when the problem persists, especially in diabetes or people with impaired vascular sufficiency, this can lead to a serious medical problem.

If there is a question of diabetes or vascular problems, referral to a podiatrist, vascular surgeon or orthopedist is recommended. If the calluses are of such a nature that they are bothersome, Pac-A-Derm Heel Treatment, lotions, or paraffin bath treatments, foot baths, theraputic hot boots, brushes and pumice, and pads, are the treatments of choice to relieve the callus on the bottom of the heel.

Sweaty Feet / Foot Odor

Sweaty feet (hyperhydrosis) and smelly feet (bromohydrosis) are two very common, annoying conditions of the feet.
Some cases of excessive smelling or sweating of the feet are systemic (throughout the whole body) in nature, such as anemia (low blood count) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). But most cases have a "local to the foot" cause.

For instance, wearing shoes that have synthetic materials, and socks that are of man made fabric can both contribute to the production of excessive perspiration and the bacteria growth that causes this condition. These two conditions set up a condition called athletes foot (tinea pedis). Unfortunately, most shoes are made of synthetic materials, especially tennis shoes, so if sweaty/smelly feet is a high concern, you will want to be especially careful when shopping for shoes.
There are a host of medications, lotions, powders and creams that are effective against these conditions. Oxistat is an excellent medication for tinea pedis. Bromi Talc and Bromi-lotion Anti-perspirant are excellent for sweaty or smelly feet. Sof Sole insoles, and paraffin bath treatments are also helpful in reducing the level of perspiration of the foot. DID YOU KNOW...
There are approximately 250,000 sweat glands in each pair of feet that release nearly a cup of moisture every day?


Anonymous said...

Ugh, so true. Even at the gym, I notice a lot of bad feet in the locker room. I feel like I should carry a supply of Tinactin, Dr. Scholl's and the like and discretely pass it to some of these guys while we're changing!

Jack said...

The strangest thing of all is that most do not know that there is something that they can do about it. Most have never talked to their doctors and conversely, none of their doctors have ever said anything to them about it. It is just a fungus that can be treated pretty easily, but it does need to be looked at and treated. Spread the word.