Friday, May 8, 2009

Forget your troubles...

First off, again, I will apologize for not writing in a very long time. I took some time off for the holidays and then I thought I would wait to see if anyone missed me. They didn't. At least not enough to say so. Finally someone wrote asking if I had quit so I will write again.
What has happened in the intervening months? Not a lot. Had some good weeks and some not so good weeks as far as business goes. It has continued to decline over all. I really must find a new source of main income. If I need to quit doing Bodywork to make that happen I will. Just so everyone understands, I have no issues with the work I do, others may. It simply is not paying the bills.
Of course work is hard to find these days since the economy is in the toilet. There have been reports of people committing suicide and taking their spouses and/or children with them. Well on some level I can understand their frustration and even their depression; I do not understand the actual exits. If I were suicidal, I would hope that I remember that it is always an option and I can do it later after I really freaking live my life for a while. For example: I quit my high paying job a few years back and have now gone through all my savings and am in quite a bit of debt. I have no great future prospects as this time and to be honest the thought of starting over in a new career is not appealing. SO? I can always kill myself later. For now I may as well enjoy the fact that I am here. Go see some free museums or live theater or movies or hitch hike to somewhere or whatever. I mean it's not as if I can undo any of the choices that have brought me to this point. I quit my job because I was miserable. Happiness is still a choice for any of us. So I have no retirement plan, I can always kill myself later. Right?
I mean if I wanted to get depressed I could, but why? So I have not had a single client all week, OK, hopefully I will be overworked next week, in the mean time, I am writing my blog again. So I still rent an apartment, I am not in fear of loosing a house. My partner has stuck with me through all of this and is actually thriving in his role of bread winner (mind you are income is still half of what it was 3 years ago). Great! I feel bad that I am not able to help more right now, but things will turn around. It is a time for me to think about what I want to do next, even if it does mean starting over. It's OK. I can always borrow a bunch of money and go back to college and get a Masters in something...
I was going to write about some other thoughts but I will end this here and save the rest for another day. Hopefully someone who is having a rough time will read this and think "I can live a while longer and enjoy life!" - Jack


Anonymous said...

Glad you wrote again. AS a client of a bodyworker, I learned a lot about how to behave and what things do and don't mean.

Tremendi said...


If I was in your area you would certainly have me as a regular client. I hope it was my mail that set you blogging again.
I am glad that you have started posting again.

I do empathise with your position and wish you luck in whatever you decide to do in the future. I hope that you will get more new clients and that your existing ones will support you more. How about a mailer offering a discount to repeat customers or a free massage after every n'th session. Or even a few small flyers at a few local hotels to get more business in. Surely any funds coming in is better than nothing.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Jack. I just wanted to let you know that I look forward to your posts. I know I haven't seen my masseur in a very long time because I just can't afford to. But, I will see him the first chance that I am able! Please be well.

Jack said...

Thank you Anonymous! It is alway great to hear that someone is reading my blog. I also hope that you will be able to see your masseur again soon. He probably misses you. Just hope he is still in business! Best of luck and than you again for writing.